Site notice

Adalperostraße 37
85737 Ismaning

Fon: +49 89 99 65 53 0
Fax: +49 89 96 34 46



Legal representative: Monika Tiedemann

Responsible for the content according to § 55(2) RStV: Philipp Nestler

Registration number and name of the register: Amtsgericht München HRB 1071

Value-added-tax identification number: DE129443179

Regulatory Authority: Regierung von Oberbayern (Government of Upper Bavaria) 

Legal Statement

Exclusion of Liability

PROTINA PHARMAZEUTISCHE GMBH, Ismaning, Germany has compiled the data on this website carefully and according to the present level of knowledge. However, PROTINA PHARMAZEUTISCHE GMBH cannot give, either expressly or implicitly, any guarantees with regard to the accuracy and/or completeness of the information provided or quoted here. The user of this Web site accepts that its use is solely at his/her own risk and that neither PROTINA PHARMAZEUTISCHE GMBH nor any other party which participated in compiling the information assumes a liability for direct, indirect, or consequential damages of any kind. This exclusion of liability also applies for Web sites that are connected via hyperlinks from this Web site. This Web site provides general information about the products and services of PROTINA PHARMAZEUTISCHE GMBH. Under no circumstances does it take the place of an individual medical consultation with appropriately trained specialists. For medical questions and/or questions concerning the directions for use for our products, please consult your doctor or pharmacist. 


PROTINA PHARMAZEUTISCHE GMBH is the owner of the proprietary rights of all of the product names and trademarks mentioned. 


Copyright © PROTINA PHARMAZEUTISCHE GMBH, Ismaning, Germany. All rights reserved, in particular the rights of reproduction, translation, use in electronic or mechanical systems and the representation of this homepage in any form whatsoever. This also includes but is not limited to any other systematic evaluation and distribution of the contents of this homepage. Any use of the texts, programs and images, in whole or in part, is subject to the prior written authorisation by PROTINA PHARMAZEUTISCHE GMBH.

Declaration of consent 

By visiting any of the PROTINA PHARMAZEUTISCHE GMBH websites you accept the terms of condition and legal statements defined on this site. Please refrain from visiting our websites without prior consent. 

Picture Credits

The images used on this website come from:

  • shutterstock
  • istockphoto
  • gettyimages
  • Pexels
  • pixabay
  • Anna Rosa Krau / Lisa Ackesson / Modelwerk
  • AdobeStock
  • Andreas André


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